We understand that there is so much conflicting advice and if you have books on how to look after a pond, water feature or wildlife pond, they all conflict.
This was the reason our founder Ian Hunter started working in the aquatic industry, is that there is so much confusing information given and available in book form.
We are very passionate about what we do and the advice we give, we have over 42 years knowledge and experience so i think in this time we know what we are talking about, There is very little to nothing that we have not experienced over the years and fixed. It is quite daunting when you first start looking to have a fish pond or larger, When you are looking to introduce fish etc. Yes there is a lot to know and understand, but thats where we come in, as all our previous work we have done for customers, we supply them with a step by step guide as to how to look after whatever we have done for them. also for all our customers we offer a telephone service, where they can call us to gain further advice and help.
Initially when you are looking at building anything to contain water and fish etc within, don't rush into it, look at the end result you want, and work back from there. There are many things to take into account, so getting it right from the start will help you save money and time in the long run.